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 5 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Kondo Kiyoharu"Advanced Search
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Kumagai Naozane and Taira no Atsumori at the battle of Ichi-no-tani, Japan, c. 1720. Creator: Kondo Kiyoharu.
Kumagai Naozane and Taira no Atsumori at the battle of Ichi-no-tani, Japan, c. 1720. Creator: Kondo Kiyoharu.
Sugawara no Michizane, Japan, c. 1720. Creator: Kondo Kiyoharu.
Kumagai Naozane and Taira no Atsumori at the battle of Ichi-no-tani, Japan, c. 1720. Creator: Kondo Kiyoharu.
The Actor Sanjo Kantaro as an Itinerant Buddhist Nun, ca. 1715. Creator: Kondo Kiyoharu.